Meetings and Resolutions Orders

Meetings and Resolutions issues

In community schemes most of the member and executive committee decisions are taken at meetings or by written resolutions. These processes are therefore very important in the proper functioning of schemes.

What type of meetings and resolutions order do you want? One involving…

Select a box below to learn more about that order.

Calling general meeting

Requiring the calling of a general meeting to deal with specified business.

Meeting not properly called

Confirming that a meeting was not properly called.

Resolution void or invalid

Confirming resolution of members or executive committee is void or invalid.

Give effect to frustrated motion

Confirming a motion that was not passed because of unreasonable opposition and giving effect to it.

Resolution void because unfair

Confirming a resolution is void because of its unreasonable interference with owner or occupier rights.

Special or unanimous ST resolutions

Order with the effect of a sectional title special or unanimous resolution.