Application forms

CSOS Application Forms

Here you have access to the forms that need to be completed when submitting a dispute resolution application to the CSOS.

Application for Dispute Resolution form

These applications to CSOS must be captured on the CSOS Application for Dispute Resolution Form.

The form must be completed in full, and all relevant information pertaining to the application must be recorded accurately to eliminate any ambiguity.

You don’ t want your application to rejected or dismissed unnecessarily.

Capture your application information online

This helpful feature acts as a trial run by allowing you to capture your relevant information in the order and format that is required when you complete a CSOS Application for Dispute Resolution Form. We’ve also included an example of suggested text for the application, where you simply need to include the details relevant to your situation.

At the end of this process your captured information will be emailed to you in PDF format, along with a blank application form (for you to complete), as well as an infographic that provides tips and a checklist for when completing the form and making an application.

Access blank application form

If you would prefer to just get your hands on the blank form, here you are able to either download it directly to your computer or send it to your inbox.

Are you a sectional title trustee, duly authorised by resolution, needing to make a CSOS application to ensure a defaulting owner pays their outstanding contributions?

Capture your application information online here! This helpful feature acts as a trial run by allowing you to capture your relevant information in the order and format that is required when you complete a CSOS Application for Dispute Resolution Form.

Use the facility below which includes example of suggested text for the application to quickly draft an application – you will you simply need to include the details relevant to your situation.

At the end of this process your captured information will be emailed to you in PDF format, along with a blank application form (for you to complete), as well as an infographic that provides tips and a checklist for when completing the form and making an application.

Important to remember:

These applications to CSOS must be captured on the CSOS Application for Dispute Resolution Form. The form must be completed in full, and all relevant information pertaining to the application must be recorded accurately to eliminate any ambiguity. You don’ t want your application to rejected or dismissed unnecessarily.

Access blank application form

If you would prefer to just get your hands on the blank form, here you are able to either download it directly to your computer or send it to your inbox.

Late Applications

In terms of section 41 of the CSOS Act:

(1) An application for an order declaring any decision of an association or an executive committee to be void, may not be made later than 60 days after such a decision has been taken.

(2) An ombud may, on good cause shown, condone the late submission of an application contemplated in subsection (1).

In calculating the number of days that has passed since the decision, you must exclude the date on which the decision was made. If the 60 day period expires on a Sunday or public holiday, the period is extended so that it expires on the next working day.

An example of the type of “good cause” required to allow an ombud to condone the late submission of an application could, for example, include a situation where:

  • the trustees of a sectional title scheme failed to distribute the minutes of the meeting as required under the prescribed management rules and the applicant therefore did not get the notice he or she was supposed to get that the resolution had been taken, or
  • some person took steps that prevented the applicant coming to know of the decision that he or she now seeks to overturn.


These may be lodged in person (referred to as “walk-ins” by the CSOS) or by email. Click here to see the physical addresses and contact numbers for all CSOS offices.

Note: There is a fee attached to this process. Please see the CSOS website (www.csos.org.za) or contact your regional branch for the amount and payment procedure, and to see if you qualify for the fee to be waived.

Where to next?

Not the information you’re looking for? Or have you got the application form you needed, and now need to know more about the orders that the CSOS can grant?

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