Meetings and Resolutions issues
In community schemes, most decisions are taken at meetings or by written resolution. These processes are therefore very important in the proper functioning of schemes.
What type of meetings and resolutions order do you want? One involving…
Order compelling the scheme to hold a general meeting
Use this when you need the scheme to hold a general meeting of its members to deal with particular issues, i.e you need the scheme members to make a decision on an issue you believe is important.
Order setting aside decisions because a meeting was not properly called
Use this if you think that a meeting was not properly called, and therefore the decisions taken at the meeting are not valid.
Order that a resolution is void or invalid
Use this when you think that a decision of members or of the trustees/ directors is wrong, not because the meeting was not properly called or because it is fundamentally unfair, but for any other reason.
Order that the opposition to a resolution was unreasonable
Use this when a resolution you supported required a level of support that but did not get that support, and you can show that those who voted against it acted unreasonably.
Order that resolution is void because it unreasonably interferes with your rights
Use this when you think that a meeting resolution should not be valid, because it unreasonably ignores your rights as an owner or occupier.
Order for special or unanimous sectional title resolution
Use this when you need a sectional title scheme to take a special or unanimous resolution but cannot get the members to do so.